The average house price on KIRKFELL CLOSE is £202,171
The most expensive house in the street is 1 KIRKFELL CLOSE with an estimated value of £278,453
The cheapest house in the street is 12 KIRKFELL CLOSE with an estimated value of £71,707
The house which was most recently sold was 2 KIRKFELL CLOSE, this sold on 1 Jul 2020 for £145,000
The postcode for KIRKFELL CLOSE is TS16 0DU
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 KIRKFELL CLOSE Semi-Detached £278,453 £152,500 18 Nov 2005
2 KIRKFELL CLOSE Semi-Detached £176,632 £145,000 1 Jul 2020
3 KIRKFELL CLOSE Semi-Detached £176,255 £50,000 30 Mar 2001
4 KIRKFELL CLOSE Semi-Detached £170,656 £47,995 16 Feb 2001
6 KIRKFELL CLOSE Semi-Detached £225,912 £135,000 22 Jul 2013
7 KIRKFELL CLOSE Semi-Detached £253,877 £76,000 24 Aug 2001
8 KIRKFELL CLOSE Semi-Detached £180,440 £145,000 15 Feb 2019
10 KIRKFELL CLOSE Semi-Detached £178,937 £131,500 8 Mar 2016
12 KIRKFELL CLOSE Semi-Detached £71,707 £43,000 21 Dec 2006
14 KIRKFELL CLOSE Detached £261,691 £151,000 31 Mar 2011
15 KIRKFELL CLOSE Semi-Detached £219,816 £125,000 13 Nov 2009
16 KIRKFELL CLOSE Semi-Detached £231,685 £97,500 27 Jun 2003